1300 90 70 99
Need Support?
​​Thanks for your interest in our services. Please fill out the email form, submit and we will get back to you soon.
(Note that for any urgent cases please call us as well)

Support Pricing
Desktop Support: $145 /hour* in gst
Network Support: $185 /hour* in gst
or you can buy pre-paid support from Shop to save $$
* Call Out Fee also applies and this is based on distance travelled from our base to your premises and back again.
Minimum 1 hour charge for all onsite support.
Call out fee is based on one way distance to client site.
Zone 0: up to 15 kms : $0
Zone 1: > 15kms <= 25kms : $22 Zone 3: > 40kms <= 60kms: $75
Zone 2: > 25kms <= 40kms: $44 Zone 4: > 60kms <= 80kms: $110
Pricing includes GST and may be subject to change without notice.
What is Supported
We can only support Windows and Android devices.
Locations Coverage
We can come out to many suburbs throughout Melbourne including CBD, St Kilda, as far South East as Brighton and Caulfield. East as far as Ringwood, North East to Eltham, all Northern suburbs including Wallan, northwest to Sunbury, West as far as Melton, South West as far as Laverton.
Service Hours
Monday to Friday
8:30am to 5:30pm
Saturday am
by special appointment only.
closed on Sunday and Public Holidays.